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WIC Week | Random Acts of Kindness Bingo Signup


Please use this sign-up if you would like to participate in the Random Acts of Kindness BINGO.

During the week of March 8th -12th, you will participate in the Random Acts of Kindness Bingo. By signing up for this event, you will be entered into the Bingo game and receive a bingo card on Sunday, March 7th.

For Acts to Qualify

You must take a picture and/or video of your act and share it with NAWIC Nashville's Facebook or Instagram page using the #WICWeek2021. 

If you do not have Facebook or Instagram, you can email your photos and/or videos to Nichole Jenkins @ nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com.

Prizes will be announced during our WIC Week recap event on Friday! 

Some...but not all...prizes will require you to be present to win! 

P.O. Box 22246
Nashville, TN 37202

Call or Email us:
(615) 416-5784


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